Monday, January 14, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

We are on the move again. After three years in sunny San Diego we are moving the Las Vegas. Steve is there already, and the kids and I will head out when school is over in June. I swore I would never live apart like this again after we moved from Dallas, I have learned to never say never. On the plus side we do not have to worry about selling a house.


Anonymous said...

Moving is such a pain but congrats on the new job! Vegas will be much different but should also be very fun!

Think how close you'll be living to the Hoover Dam--!

pinksuedeshoe said...

I am so glad you have a blog. I got your address from Liz & Chris's blog, and I am thrilled to add you to my list of family bloggers. I think we have about a dozen of my cousins that have blogs. I have a list of them on my blog, if you want to blog stalk them. Good luck on the move to Vegas, I hope that everything works out, once you get there, and before you get there! Take care!

Anonymous said...

So nice to find you on here! Hope the seperation includes a lot of weekends together.

Love you!

Megan said...

Oh my goodness! What is bringing you to Vegas? It's horrible we have been close enough but only got down there to see you once (and thank you again for helping us out with our kids!) If you want to come up here for a weekend while Steve is away we have Magic Mountain!!! We'd love to have you! Take care you guys. Love Megan